The treatments including load-decreasing, reinforcing and groundwater-draining have greatly reduced the creep rate of speed, and the deformable mass tends to be stable. 在实施减载、支档和排水等综合治理措施后,滑动带位错速率减缓,边坡趋于稳定。
An Automatic Control Method to Overcome the Creep of Dry Powered Brake at Low Speed 克服磁粉制动器低速爬行的自动控制方法
With analysis of the control variables of the creep deformation, the creep speed and the creep acceleration, the modified Xiyuan model can be used to better describe the three stages of rock sample creep, especially the non_linear accelerating creep stage. 通过对蠕变、蠕变速度、蠕变加速度的控制变量渐变分析表明,改进的西原模型能够较好地描述岩石三阶段蠕变变形,尤其是非线性加速阶段蠕变变形。
The experimental results showed that the dynamic strain has feature of cyclic creep. Cyclic loading affected the creep and creep speed. 结果显示动态应变呈循环蠕变状态,蠕变的大小、速度与循环应力幅值有关。
Under a certain transient stress, the steady creep speed is a constant. 在一定的瞬时应力作用下,稳定蠕变速率近似为常数。
The channel through which a new method can be developed and its algorithm are described and an overall equation is recommended for creep speed calculation with stress function, which can satisfactorily predict the strain in each stage of creep with examples illustrating their application in creep analysis. 文中介绍了制订新方法的途径和算法,推荐了一种带应力函数的蠕变速率综合方程,可满意地予测蠕变各阶段的应变,并举例说明它在蠕变分析中的应用。
The test results showed that the creep compliance and the creep strain growth speed for epoxy asphalt concrete were lower than those for normal asphalt concrete. 弯曲蠕变试验表明,环氧沥青混凝土的蠕变柔量较低,随着应力水平的增加,蠕变应变速率增长缓慢,具有较好的抵抗荷载变形能力。
Study on Creep Cracking Properties of PE Compounds Used for Fuel Gas Pipe Making with Polymer Environmental Stress Cracking Speed Tester 采用环境应力开裂速度测定仪对聚乙烯燃气管道料蠕变开裂性能的研究
When the differential creep stress is low, namely when the drilling fluid density is high, the creep speed will decrease as dip angle increases. 当蠕变应力差较小时,即钻井液密度较大时,蠕变速率随地层倾角增大而减小。
The increase of stress and elevated temperature will speed up the creep rate. High temperature and low initial strain will speed up the pace of relaxation. 应力和温度的提高都会加快蠕变的速度;高温和低的初始应变会加快松弛的速度。